우리가 사는 세상을 모두 알기엔 인생은 너무 짧다.!!

방법 23

설탕물로 죽어가는 벌꿀을 살리는 장면

Reviving an exhausted bumble bee with sugar water 이것을 본 한 사람이 쓴글(저는 영어 무식자라해석이 필요합니다.) "What a trip it must be. You live your life looking for food, water, shelter, sex and see the world as this massive barely comprehensible universe of things that terrify and scare you.Then one day you go on your usual foraging trips and eat up but can't seem to find enough food. You press on but those succulen..

동물이야기 2018.06.09