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미스테리한 고대의 놀라운 기술을 보여주는 유물 복원 ㄷㄷㄷ

거북선인 2019. 10. 28. 06:53

미스테리한 고대의 놀라운 기술을 보여주는 유물 복원 ㄷㄷㄷ

무려 BC 100년 전 기술

이 유물을 레고로 복원한 영상을 보시죠

Lego Antikythera Mechanism

The Antikythera Mechanism: http://bit.ly/fm4oFK is the oldest known scientific computer, built in Greece at around 100 BCE. Lost for 2000 years, it was recovered from a shipwreck in 1901. But not until a century later was its purpose understood: an astronomical clock that determines the positions of celestial bodies with extraordinary precision. 

In 2010, we built a fully-functional replica out of Lego. 

Sponsored by Digital Science: http://www.digital-science.com/ a new division of Macmillan Publishers that provides technology solutions for researchers. Available under a CC-BY-3.0-Unported license. Antikythera Mechanism Research Project http://www.antikythera-mechanism.gr
